No one really likes going to a doctor’s office, but there’s no doubt that when you’re in need of medical help, a trip to the doctor is essential. While over-the-counter medicine is useful for curing a lot of ills, there are certain times when medical help is necessary because ailments linger.
That’s especially true when it comes to women’s health. For women dealing with pregnancy or certain women’s health issues, sometimes immediate medical help is needed and you can’t always get in to see your primary care doctor or OB-GYN right away.
When that happens, the best course of action is to visit one of your local urgent care centers for medical help. More than three million Americans visit urgent care facilities each and every week and it’s not hard to see why. Urgent cares offer convenience, speed and treatment for a growing list of common medical issues. When it comes to women’s health, that list includes care for urinary tract infections, pregnancy, STDs and more.
As is the case with any serious medical issue, if you need immediate medical help don’t hesitate to go to the emergency room if things get too dire. You don’t want to roll the dice on your health. But be advised that not all medical issues—those concerning women’s health or otherwise—require an emergency room visit. Thankfully, your local urgent care centers are open longer, open later and offer plenty of flexibility if you need to visit. Women can simply book appointments online and visit when it’s convenient. As it stands, most urgent cares are open until 7 p.m. or later during the week and are open on weekends.
As if that wasn’t enough, a visit to an urgent care can offer treatment from an experienced doctor for plenty of medical issues. At an urgent care, you’ll get a diagnosis, treatment for a variety of health issues and discreet testing and results if necessary.
If you’re a women, you might be wondering what you can expect from an urgent care visit. Make no mistake, it’s important to have a strong relationship and a strong level of trust in your primary care doctor and your OB-GYN. But in cases where you need medical help for common medical issues, the health professionals at your local urgent care can take care of you and help you with whatever issues you’re facing.
As it stands, your local urgent care can treat women’s health issues such as
- Morning sickness
- Urinary tract infections
- Dehydration
- Vaginal infections like yeast infections
The issues mentioned above that women face can also be accompanied by further issues such as:
- Nausea
- Pain, especially in the abdominal area
- Vaginal itchiness
- Spotting
- Thick, discolored or unusual smelling vaginal discharge
Let’s face it, these days the working woman is a busy woman. There’s a lot to deal with whether it’s work, kids, school, maintaining a social life and other commitments. The last thing any woman wants to have to deal with are lingering medical issues, which take them away from their busy lives. So for any woman dealing with pregnancy or other women’s health issues, it can be very beneficial to make an urgent care visit. By visiting an urgent care, you’ll be able to see licensed medical professionals, who can treat you for a wide spectrum of common ailments and you’ll save time, money and lots of frustration to boot.
When you can’t get in to see your regular primary care doctor or OB-GYN, a trip to an urgent care facility can be one of the best decisions you make for your health.