Are you the manager of your office? Do you feel like your ways of leadership have gotten stale? Are you look to try a new approach to the way you lead and to rejuvenate your employees?
If you said yes to any of those questions, you could benefit from executive coaching. Where it was once looked at with skepticism, it has since blossomed into a billion dollar industry. The same is true of health and wellness as health coaching is also a successful industry.
Generally speaking, there are seven ways that managers can benefit from executive coaching services:
- Better self-regulation
- Better self-awareness
- Higher empathy levels
- Higher levels of motivation
- Higher cognition levels at work
- Better social skills
- Overall better leadership abilities
So why is executive coaching so effective? For many CEOs, its the ability to improve themselves; to become more self-aware; to develop better interpersonal skills such as listening and empathy. It also gives those in management a chance to improve their emotional intelligence; that is the ability to recognize one’s emotions, how they make you feel and how they may effect those around them.
By doing this, those in management can also manage their relationships with employees more effectively by better understanding their emotions and the other emotions.
Let’s take a more in-depth look at the seven benefits listed above and how executive coaching and life coaching can help you better manage your employees:
- Self-regulation: As a person in management, being aware of your emotions helps with self-discipline and controlling them. Imagine yourself managing a new employee and you feel a little uncomfortable in your dealings with him or her. Being aware of how you feel and how to best handle such a situation in order to make both yourself and the employee feel more comfortable. A life coach or executive coach can also help you improve aspects of your life outside of work and gain control over everyday things like time management, organization and finding a work-life balance.
- Self-awareness: Self-awareness is perhaps one of, if not the greatest area for self-improvement. This is perhaps the biggest catalyst for self-growth. Without finding a way to become more self-aware, those in upper management often fall into traps where they keep doing things the way they’ve always done them. You may be aware that you feel different emotions and what might trigger certain emotions within you, but what you may not know why you feel the way you do.
- Empathy: Empathy allows you to feel how others are feeling. If you empathize with someone, the better you might understand what he or she is going through. Ultimately, empathy leads to understanding and better interactions with your employees. Showing empathy will make your employees more receptive to what you have to say and your overall leadership abilities.
- Motivation: There’s no doubt that higher levels of motivation lead to better productivity at work. After all, who—be it a manager or an employee—doesn’t feel good when goals are met and accomplished? By being self-aware and increasing self-recognition, you’ll be able to get your work life and personal life in order and increase your levels of motivation.
- Cognition: When you open your mind, you leave space for all kinds of new ideas to come flooding in. This happens when you’re able to view situations from many different points of view (like using empathy). By doing this, you’re using brain power to your benefit.
- Social skills: Successful relationships are built on strong social skills. Workplaces with high levels of communication tend to have high and advanced social skills. These skills lead to elimination (or at least) tampering of egos, better negotiation and compromising to ultimately meet team goals.
- Better leadership: There’s no doubt that leaders with high levels of emotional intelligence are better leaders. Your employees need to know that you understand them, that you hear what they’re saying and that you care about them, beyond their status as an employee. Your job is to put them in position to succeed.
By working with an executive coach, you’ll be able to find ways to become a better person and a better leader; one who cares about their employees, listens to what they have to say and finds ways to lead and motivate them to even greater success.