The human skeleton is engineered by nature to make a lifetime of upright walking possible. Millions of years ago, our early ancestors adapted to a lifetime of running and chasing game animals, and this resulted in a new skeletal form. The human skeleton features an S-shaped spine, an upright pelvis, long legs, and arched feet for walking and running. This offered man advantages, though a life of walking upright does put some strain on the spine and back muscles. Even today, many people around the world suffer from chronic pain in their backs, and the most serious spine injuries may call for surgery. Fortunately, many cases of joint or back pain aren’t that severe, and non invasive treatment methods can be used. An activator spinal adjustment device can be used on joints at a hospital or doctor’s office, and a hospital may offer other rehab tools and systems as well, such as stretch tests and range of motion data capture cameras. How else might doctors treat a patient with a bad back or inflamed joints?
Why Back Pain Happens
How often do Americans suffer from back pain and distressed spines? Many studies and surveys are done to track the current state of American health, and the numbers show that chronic back pain is common. Around 50% of working Americans suffer from chronic back pain, and experts say that around 80% of the population will experience back pain symptoms at some point in their lives. What is more, the numbers say that one in three women and one in four men are enduring back pain, and at any given time, around 31 million people are experiencing back issues.
What is causing all this back pain? One common cause is a career of hard manual labor, such as construction work, which will put wear and tear on the spine and the back muscles. Physical trauma such as a car accident or a sports injury may distress the spine and back, and some pregnant women may get back pain during their pregnancy. Many surveyed Americans also say that ongoing stress is causing their back issues. Finally, simple old age is another common reason for back issues, as a lifetime of walking upright will cause the spine to collapse and bend over forwards. This will stress the muscles, pinch nerves, and inflame the joints while reducing flexibility. Fortunately, a patient who experiences back pain can visit their doctor and have non invasive treatments performed, from a activator spinal adjustment device to yoga and stretch tests.
Back Pain Solutions
If a victim is experiencing back pain, they can visit their doctor and describe their problem. In fact, back pain is the second most common reason why Americans see their doctor, behind only upper respiratory issues. There, the doctor may refer the patient to a chiropractor or a yoga expert.
What about a hospital patient? In a hospital, a patient may have various physical therapy tools used on them to measure their recovery and help relieve stressed bones and joints. This may include an activator spinal adjustment device, which delivers a sharp, sudden impact to a joint, not unlike a knee reflex tap. An activator spinal adjustment device may be used once or twice per week for a few weeks. It should also be noted that these devices are unlikely to cause the patient’s muscles to contract and interfere with the procedure, since the administered jolt is so brief.
In a hospital, a patient may undergo physical therapy at the hands of therapists, and they can work on walking and standing upright and restoring their flexibility. The patient can stretch out elastic bands to measure their arc of motion and strength, and the trainer can also use motion capture cameras to track the patient’s movements and assess their recovery progress.
Someone suffering from joint or back pain can be referred to a chiropractor, and this is a specialized doctor who can use their bare hand and simple adjustment tools to ease pressure on a patient’ bones and muscles. Doing this can restore flexibility and arcs of motion, relieve pressure on nerves and muscles, and clear up pain. Attending private yoga sessions and performing poses and stretches may have similar results.