Understanding the connection between vision problems and mental disorders is something doctors are only just now fully beginning to grasp. As touched on in this YouTube video, bionocular vision disorders and other visual problems are believed to have a strong connection and a powerful impact on mental statuses. Our bodies and minds work together to […]
Month: August 2021
10 Ways to Build Up Your Fitness Gym10 Ways to Build Up Your Fitness Gym

Have you been thinking of starting a gym and fitness center but you aren’t sure where to start? You’re not alone. This highly successful industry that’s bringing in billions of annual profits is an attractive business opportunity. Yet, you need more than just passion to start any business venture. There are many costs, such as […]
Foods to Avoid If You Have BracesFoods to Avoid If You Have Braces

You’ll be wearing your dental braces for an average of eighteen months. However, if you treat your braces poorly by eating the wrong foods, you could damage them. This means expensive repairs and having to wear new braces for longer than planned. Video Source Here are tips from Greg Asatrian, D.D.S., M.S on the best […]